In a world where monsters dominate, and humans are but one out of ten thousand of the population, Gao Yang, having transmigrated to this world at the tender age of six and led the life of a normal boy until his eighteenth birthday, must seek the truth and survive against all odds—with the help of a mysterious system, a bottom-of-the-list Talent, and the companions he meets along the ways.
What is hidden under the facade of an ordinary city and its ordinary occupants? What are these different manners of monsters, and where is the line drawn between monsters and humans? Could relationship and love be true when all are merely playing their own parts?
Ride along on his journey and find out!
Official blurb translated from Chinese:
An orphan, Gao Yang transmigrated to a parallel world at the age of six, and he was given the gift of a loving family of five.
However, with the coming of his eighteenth birthday, Gao Yang found out by chance that this is no parallel world, but a strange domain where his family and friends can all be terrifying monsters! He almost got killed when he realized the truth, and he would, if not for the system and Talent he acquired at the last moment, Lucky—the longer he lives, the stronger he will become!
Now commenced the battle royale of a lamb among wolves…
- Chapter 761: Smelly Ditch
- Chapter 767: Men’s Time
- Chapter 809: A Body
- Chapter 811: Spinning Top Plan
- Chapter 813: Fate’s a Fickle Mistress
- Chapter 815: Guilt
- Chapter 817: Rile Up
- Chapter 819: Expose Self
- Chapter 821: Anything Anywhere All At Once
- Chapter 823: Last Trade
- Chapter 825: Elite Players
- Chapter 826: Make a Move
- Chapter 827: Pushed to a Corner
- Chapter 831: And I
- Chapter 833: Wait for Me to Wake Up
- Chapter 834: Only Friend
- Chapter 835: Start a Business
- Chapter 837: Wait Patiently
- Chapter 838: Give Me a Cigarette
- Chapter 839: Madman’s Childhood
- Chapter 841: Philosophical Question
- Chapter 849: Clown
- Chapter 851: In a Rush
- Chapter 859: Both Ways
- Chapter 861: The Battle Begins
- Chapter 863: Attention, All!
- Chapter 865: Birds in Cage
- Chapter 867: Why
- Chapter 869: 5v5
- Chapter 871: Stop Being a Bother
- Chapter 873: Crisis Alert
- Chapter 875: War Hammer
- Chapter 877: Paper, Scissor, Stone!
- Chapter 879: Kill Them All
- Chapter 881: Reel in the Fish
- Chapter 883: Second Turn
- Chapter 885: Prodigy
- Chapter 887: Shrewd and Cautious
- Chapter 889: Ace
- Chapter 891: Existence
- Chapter 893: Wipe Out
- Chapter 895: Third Turn
- Chapter 897: Fourth Turn
- Chapter 899: The Flip Side
- Chapter 901: Let’s Go to Hell
- Chapter 903: Spring
- Chapter 909: Pay Double
- Chapter 913: Holy Moly
- Chapter 915: Pull Your Weight
- Chapter 919: Dunce